Typically one to four days in length, DBDOC workshops include sessions of your choosing in a format that works best for your situation. Site-specific question and answer sessions and general consultation time can also be arranged, and presentations on installation-specific topics easily be included.
Workshop pricing includes GMCL travel costs. Discounts are available if more than one site in a region is hosting a workshop, so let us know of your interest so we can coordinate dates with other sites.
Contact G. Michaels Consulting Ltd toll free at 1-866-438-2101 in the U.S. and Canada or +1 780 438 2101 outside U.S. and Canada to arrange a DBDOC workshop at your site.
Some or all of the following sessions can be included in a workshop. Please contact us if you have any questions about presentation content, or wish to include a topic not listed here.
Suitable for DBDOC users with little or no previous DBDOC experience , this formal training course covers signal tracing, trouble-shooting, viewing live data, searching, function code help, annotations, bookmarks, and more. Course handouts are available, and portions of the course can be hands-on for attendees with computers.
Suitable for both users and maintainers of DBDOC systems, this formal training course covers use of the Watch Window, Audit window, function code and other indices, cross-references, linked error files, block map, and many advanced Hyperview capabilities and new Hyperview features. Course handouts are available, and the course can be hands-on for attendees with computers.
Exciting developments in the latest versions of DBDOC and Rovisys Turbo Lite make dramatic improvements to live data rates for both DBDOC and Composer. It is now possible to fetch over 100 values per second at a much reduced load on the PCU interfaces, resulting in fewer delayed or lost exception reports. When RoviSys Turbo Lite is used with Composer, it is possible to get 50 values per second on serial CIU interface at less load than is currently used for ten values per second, with DBDOC data available for free. Snapshots of up to 32 concurrent values collected in the same 250 ms cycle are now possible. As part of this session, we will install the latest versions of CIUMon and RoviSys Turbo Lite and demonstrate the unprecedented improvements they will provide you.
Aimed at DBDOC administrators, this session examines your current DBDOC build for areas that should be tightened up or items that might be added. This would include auxiliary files, documentation, console TTG files, AutoCAD files, PDF files. Includes verifying the build, and discussing MOC reports, CIUMon, BuildPlus and Networking Topics.
Aimed at DBDOC administrators, this session presents the data files and reports generated by the DBDOC build process, and explain how to view, interpret and use them.
Learn to use the new Hyperview Error Browser to review and evaluate system errors. DBDOC checks your system for hundreds of potentially serious configuration, graphics, and database errors, allowing you to prevent problems and clean up your system. At this session, learn how to filter, examine, interpret DBDOC errors, and understand the critical system information they convey. You will also learn how to mark errors as reviewed, hide, and flag errors, as well as numerous techniques for sorting and grouping errors interactively to identify those most needing to be corrected.
Every installation is different, and questions alway arise. Set aside some time for specific discussion of your system and consultation and advice as to how to get the most out of DBDOC in your particular situation.
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