Duplicate global OREF 'BNR 5 A/R TAGOUT': Module 1,25,10 Block 3952, Module 1,26,10 Block 3952
The output references listed here are duplicated. Composer will rename the duplicate references to (Copy1...), (Copy2...), etc. when combining into a single Composer project. You may wish to change the reference first.
If you plan to convert this project to a single Composer project in the future, you will have to resolve each of these.
If you are building multiple Composer projects, this message will show you references that will need to be changed to allow you to merge the projects.
This message shows a potential error in the system configuration, although most such errors prove to be harmless. It should be reviewed and hidden, unless it shows an issue that should be addressed.
Please contact us for help resolving your error messages.
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