As of DBDOC 11.3, it is possible to enjoy basic Hyperview functionality in a standard web browser. How it works is that the Hyperview application (hyperview.exe) can be run as a service, and in this mode, it runs an embedded web server. This "Hyperview Service" loads a project file, and serves it as a web application. From the point of view of the user with the web browser, Hyperview is a website.
A new application, Hyperview Service Controller is required to run Hyperview as a service. Using Hyperview Service Controller, you can specify which Hyperview executable to run as a service, which project file to serve, what port to serve the project file on, and various other configuration details. Note that you must have administrator privileges in order to run services with Hyperview Service Controller.
The Hyperview website is only available on a specified port of a specified machine if suitable firewall accommodations have been made. Generally it would only be available inside a network, not to the outside world.
Running the Hyperview Service Controller
In order to create a Hyperview Service, you must run the Hyperview Service Controller. The Hyperview Service Controller can be found in the Programs folder of a DBDOC 11.3 or later installation (HyperviewServiceController.exe). Running Hyperview Service Controller with full functionality requires administrator privileges.
Configuring your Hyperview Services setup
Before you can create a Hyperview Service, you must set up a few things that will apply to all the services. Press Setup on the main interface of the Hyperview Service Controller. This brings up the Configure Hyperview Services dialog.
Adding a new Hyperview Service
To add a Hyperview Service, press Add Service... in the main window of the Hyperview Service Controller. This will bring up the Add a Hyperview Service dialog.
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