During a build, BuildPlus produces a separate FCnnn.DBF file (e.g. FC004.DBF) for each function code used in the system, found in the Exports folder of the project directory. Each includes the sheet name, the tagname, if defined, and all the specifications for that function code. As of DBDOC 11.4, block number 0 and negative blocks are no longer included in these files. It is essentially the same as the FUNCTION CODE INDEX. This report can linked as tables in a Microsoft Access database using SPEC.mdb.
These reports are useful for regulatory reports, analysis of exception report traffic, and countless other applications.
If you want to use these files, but plan to rebuild your project, move these files to another folder before starting the rebuild. (If the files are open during a build, the records will be appended to existing tables rather than getting cleared out before appending. But if this has happened, close the spec.mdb Access database and do the build again.)
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