Hyperview in a Browser is a new version of Hyperview that allows you to access basic Hyperview functionality in a web browser. This offers additional flexibility and device compatibility for using DBDOC's project and live data viewer.
For example with a tablet on your wifi, you could use Hyperview in a Browser to:
While a central Hyperview "install" can be accessed via a Windows network share, the web browser interface is touch-friendly interface and suitable for tablets, for systems whose execution or user environment specifics make web interfaces easier (including non-Windows systems), to integrate with an existing webportal, or some scenario we haven't thought of yet.
Hyperview in a Browser has been tested in Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox, and should work in versions of these browsers dating back to October 2017. In order to use Hyperview in a Browser, you just go to a certain website (and, if logins are required, log into your Hyperview in a Browser account). A subset of Hyperview functionality is supported in Hyperview in a Browser, including basic navigation, live data, full text and title search, and more.
Below you can see Hyperview in a Browser running in an Edge web browser.
In order to use Hyperview in a Browser, you must use the Hyperview Service Controller to start a Hyperview Service.
By default, no login account is used, but you can set up accounts to restrict access and to save per-user settings. See our documentation on making and managing Hyperview in a Browser accounts.
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