WinMerge is an open-source tool that allows you to specify two files or two directories and do a byte-for-byte file comparison. The result of the comparison is displayed in a window, showing you any changes that may exist between the two files or directories. This is a useful tool to compare differences in your error files between builds.
If you have WinMerge installed on your computer, BuildPlus will enable this option for you. You are given the choice to either Compare Files or Compare Directories. In either case, a dialog will appear where you can either type in or browse for the appropriate files/directories for comparison.
Note: Earlier versions of BuildPlus use WinDiff instead of WinMerge.
On the Tools menu, select Compare with WinMerge and click Compare Files.
(The default selections are the DBDOC_SUMMARY.ERR files of the two most recent builds.)
For each file you wish to compare, click Browse, navigate to the file, and click OK.
Once both file paths have been entered, click OK. This will launch WinMerge to show differences between the files.
On the Tools menu, select Compare with WinMerge and click Compare Directories.
(The default selections are the error file folders for the two most recent successful builds.)
For each directory you wish to compare, click Browse, navigate to the folder, and click OK.
Once both directory paths have been entered, click OK. This will launch WinMerge and show which files are different within this folder. Double-clicking on the file name will show the differences within individual files.
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