Spec | Description |
S1 | Configuration lock (see below) |
S2 | Alarm deadband (percent of span) |
S3 | Cable length from master to termination device (feet) |
S4 | Blocks 1-8 minimum exception report |
S5 | Blocks 1-8 maximum exception report |
S6 | Blocks 9-16 minimum |
S7 | Blocks 9-16 maximum |
S8 | Blocks 17-24 minimum |
S9 | Blocks 17-24 maximum |
S10 | Blocks 25-32 minimum |
S11 | Blocks 25-32 maximum |
S12 | Blocks 33-40 minimum |
S13 | Blocks 33-40 maximum |
S14 | Blocks 41-48 minimum |
S15 | Blocks 41-48 maximum |
S16 | Blocks 49-56 minimum |
S17 | Blocks 49-56 maximum |
S18 | Blocks 57-64 minimum |
S19 | Blocks 57-64 maximum |
XX0 | Unlock |
XX1 | Lock |
XX2 | Select |
X0X | US termination:
X1X | Italian termination:
0XX | No redundant module |
1XX | Redundant module |
Block | Type | Description |
75 | None | No output |
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