Slow Mode fetches live data for the currently visible hotspots once when you turn it on, and again each time you view a different document, zoom, or scroll. If you do none of these things, Slow Mode will fetch fresh data every ten seconds.
Live data must be set up for this to work. Your DBDOC administrator may have already set it up.
To turn on Slow Mode: On the View menu, point to Live Loop Snapshot, then click On/Refresh. Or, click the button on the toolbar.
Note: Live Loop Snapshot is another name for Slow Mode.
To turn off Slow Mode live data, double-click the button. Or, on the View menu, point to Live Loop Snapshot, then click Off.
Slow Mode is never turned off automatically. Turning Slow Mode on or off does not affect Live Loop Annotations or the Watch Window.
When you first view a document that is fully zoomed out, so that the entire document is visible, Slow Mode will delay requesting data for five seconds. This is so that if you are immediately zooming in, data for the entire document won't have been fetched unnecessarily. You can cause data to be requested immediately by clicking the Slow Mode button in the toolbar or by pressing F5.
Because Slow Mode updates data infrequently, Hyperview will display older data in gray to show that it is "stale".
Because new data is fetched every ten seconds, stale data will not be displayed long before it is replaced. You can fetch fresh data immediately by clicking the button on the toolbar. You can set how long it takes fresh data to become stale by changing the Stale Data Interval in the View tab of the Options dialog:
In the unlikely event your live data setup cannot fetch data for the PCU to which the some of the visible blocks belong, "blue boxes" will be displayed on the document in place of actual data values.
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