Module 1,01,02 Block 1001 adapts Module 1,01,02 Block 1234 S3 - already adapted (by Module 1,01,02 Block 1002)
This message identifies a place where two adapt blocks adapt the same specification. Whenever a specification is adapted by more than one block, you should verify the intent.
On-site testing has confirmed that an adapt block continues to adapt its target block / spec, even if it has no input. Since block types cannot be changed, the unintentionally adapted spec is legal, but not likely correct.
Module 1,11,04 block 6269 adapts block 6710 S14 - already adapted (by block 6709).
The normal scenario for this error is that S2 of a cloned adapt block has not been changed to match a target, even though the output block number has.
On sheets 67003B2A.CAD and 67003C2A.CAD, we will guess that there are MSDD blocks that do not have S14 adapted by an adapt block on that page. They have been orphaned.
This message is likely to show an error in the system configuration. It should be reviewed. The issue raised may be in unused logic or graphics, or have other realities that make it a non-issue.
Please contact us for help resolving your error messages.
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