On the Tools menu, click Global Options.
The BuildPlus default is to not automatically include all projects in the BuildRoot as sibling projects. Here is what this means in some important contexts:
If Do not automatically include sibling projects is unchecked, sibling projects will be selected from the same BuildRoot in future projects.
If Only show the sibling projects dialog during the first build is checked, the sibling project dialog will no longer appear during rebuilds. The client will not check this, because the project presentation of this same query will have been responded to when the client understands the question.
The Deselect all current sibling projects in all projects button can reset all projects so there are no associated sibling projects in future builds. The projects affected by this reset are then displayed. It also checks the box for "Do not show the sibling projects dialog in-line during a build". This feature was used to undo an early implementation of the support that selected all projects as siblings within a BuildRoot. For clients, for whom all projects are related, this is useful. For our test builds, it is the exception rather than the rule.
For more information, see also Finding more tags in Sibling Projects
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