Y-coordinate adapted - S3 (1.00) of Module 1,01,02 Block 1001
You may want to check that there are base or design values for the parameters of F(X): Function Generator [FC1] blocks that are adapted. If there are, the graph will be meaningful. Also, the order of processing (adapt block before function block) will not be as important.
This is not usually a significant error. We report them for these reasons:
--Scanning drawing 24305U8: As Shipped Y-coordinate adapted - S3 (10.00) of Module 2,43,05 Block 2125
You can see that the default value of S3 will affect the way the function is documented.
We suggest that you should figure out default values for all adapted coordinates. That way, DBDOC can show you what the design function generator shape is supposed to be. Also, live data will then show you deviation from the design shape.
This message reports system information that is otherwise difficult or impossible to find.
Please contact us for help resolving your error messages.
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