The following will outline the steps involved to ensure that CIULink will run correctly with your chosen application.
To start CIULink, on the Windows Start menu, open the GMCL DBDOC folder and click Utility - CIULink.
Alternately, you can find CIULink in the folder where DBDOC is installed. By default, this will be one of the following:
(default for build kit on 32-bit operating systems)
C:\Program Files (x86)\GMCL\DBDOC\PROGRAMS
(default for build kit on 64-bit operating systems)
(default for mini-Hyperview kit)
After you open CIULink, on the File menu, click Set IP Address. The following window will open:
Check to see that the "Loop Setup List" displays the correct IP Address for the computer running CIUMon. If it is not, then enter all the correct information in the appropriate fields and click Insert; the changes will be reflected in the "Loop Setup List". If you are connecting to an SPM01 or SPM02, you will have to enter in the SPM's specific PCU; if your CIU is of any other type, you should leave the PCU field blank (for example, in our setup Loop 1).
The Port Number is the port that is specified in CIUMon's configuration settings. The Local CIULink Port is the port on the CIULink computer that CIULink will bind to in order to send its requests out and listen for responses. It is best to leave this option blank and let CIULink check for the first available port within the specified range. For the majority of cases, you may use the default port range of 5000 to 5100. However, if you need to communicate across a firewall, only specific ports may be left open for communication, so you can modify the range to suit your needs.
If you have more than one CIUMon running, continue entering all valid configurations and click Insert to add them to the Setup List. Once all additions and modifications have been completed, click OK to finish.
With both CIUMon and CIULink running, you can now begin running the application you wish to use to view the data.
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