When a CIUMon service is set up to interact with the desktop, it will run with a window open, just like when CIUMon is run manually. This can be very useful for troubleshooting, as you can interact with CIUMon. However, in this windowed mode, CIUMon will not start until you log on, and it will stop when you log off. After you are finished troubleshooting, you should turn off this mode so that CIUMon will run even when you are not logged on.
If you close the window of a CIUMon service that is interacting with the desktop, it will stop the service.
Note: In Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, the CIUMon service will not appear directly on your desktop. Instead, you will see an Interactive Services Detection message. Click View the message in the Interactive Services Detection window to view the CIUMon service's window.
If the Interactive Services Detection message does not appear, go into the Windows Control Panel, and, under Administrative Tools, start the Services control. Find the Interactive Services Detection services and make sure that it is started.
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