When contacting GMCL for assistance or upgrades, you may be asked for the versions of your DBDOC components.
On the Help menu, click About BuildPlus.
This displays the current version of BuildPlus as well as the version of the currently installed kit.
To quickly find the .TXT file with version information about all DBDOC components, use the Tools menu to Launch Windows Explorer to the project directory and open the file named DBDOC_Components.txt
On the Tools menu, click Enumerate DBDOC Components.
This creates text file DBDOC_Components.txt, which lists the versions of all DBDOC programs and any mismatches relative to the kit version of DBDOC installed.
When the file has been created, a message will be displayed in the BuildPlus main window with the file location, for example: The file DBDOC_Components.txt has been created in <C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\ Application Data\GMCL\Projects> for your viewing.
The file location can be displayed later by choosing Help from the main menu and clicking on Display BuildPlus .nod file location.
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