To build Symphony Plus (S+) (and also PGP) graphics into your project, we first recommend extracting your S+ or PGP graphics database.
Add the database(s) to your project's system file specifications; if this is a new project then this will be the first dialog window opened, otherwise you should restart the build from the Go button or from Build->System File Specifications.
Proceed through your build until you reach the configuration wizard, at which point you can mark the checkbox for SPO or PGP graphics, and you may select any other files to be included in the build. You may be prompted to specify where your graphics are located. Generally, for SPO you should choose C:\ProgramData\ABB Symphony Plus\Operations\SV1.0\display. There are two folders within that you may wish to build in:
Note: We are still working on support for the bin folder in the latest versions of SPO.
With that in mind, you should choose one or the other: point towards the bin folder to see the currently running system reflected in Hyperview, or the work folder to preview how your system will be once those changes are applied.
These associations may be made automatically by BuildPlus or else the Database-Graphics Association dialog will open. Alternatively, when the dialog to Run Project Options appears, you may choose to edit settings now. In Project Options, navigate to the Database-Graphics Association tab, by clicking the tab or using Alt D. Ensure your graphics are associated with the correct tag database(s).
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