Each time a project is successfully built, you will have
To explore to these files from BuildPlus:
, if there are no BuildRoots
Files which can be accessed directly using BuildPlus Tools are documented below.
The ComposerDir.txt file in the project directory, also accessed within BuildPlus from the Tools menu, by selecting Check Extracted Directory Sources.
When building a project which uses Composer or 800xA (formerly PPA) databases, BuildPlus (Decomposer) extracts the files from each database file into a folder in your project directory named DecomposerN or PPAN, where N is a number ("1" for the first database, "2" for the second, etc). This tool will list each Composer or 800xA database file used in the current project with its corresponding Decomposer or PPA (800xA) directory.
The UserSelections.txt file in the project directory displays the build information for a project.
This file may be easily examined from BuildPlus using the Tools menu, and selecting Display Project Settings and Selections
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