Opening BuildPlus

BuildPlus is the DBDOC program used to build your system's configuration, graphics and databases into a read-only snapshot of your process control system. Open BuildPlus to do a new build or to modify an existing build.


Opening BuildPlus from the Start menu

The shortcut via the Start button - under Programs look for a GMCL DBDOC folder and click on BuildPlus.

Opening BuildPlus from the Program file

DBDOC program files are located by default at C:\Program Files\GMCL\DBDOC\Programs, or C:\Program Files (x86)\GMCL\DBDOC\Programs on 64-bit Windows installations. BuildPlus can be opened by in this location with the file BuildPlus.exe.

Running BuildPlus from the command line

You can launch BuildPlus via the command line. See Running BuildPlus with command line switch /build

Project Open Warning

If the project is already open in another copy of BuildPlus, the following dialog will appear. Once you click OK, BuildPlus will start and allow you to open a different project.

10.4 project already open.PNG

See also