DBDOC's Hyperview browser is a safe, read-only interface to DBDOC's snapshot of your system graphics and configuration. You can search, trace connections, view live data directly on documents, and much more.
Most DBDOC users have no formal training with our software. Here's an overview of the Hyperview learning resources we recommend for new Hyperview users.
DBDOC organises all your INFI 90 documents into a single package to give you fast, easy, read-only access to the information you need to do your job. Using DBDOC's Hyperview browser, you can browse this representation of your system, search, trace connections, and even view live data.
This documentation will provide you with detailed information about all of Hyperview's capabilities.
DBDOC's Hyperview browser can now be set up as a server that can in turn be access on your local network using a normal web browser, allowing access to DBDOC's snapshot of your system without the need to run any software on user devices other than a web browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, etc). This is aimed especially at support for touchscreen tablets, and could be useful anywhere that running a Windows program is undesirable or impossible.
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