Extracting from S+ Engineering 2.1 and higher

Using a backup

  1. Open S+ Engineering
  2. Go to Administration Project Admin (if you do not see Administration on the left sidebar, you may need to navigate back up with ⏎ Back first)
  3. If your project is still open, in the top ribbon-style menu click on Close under Projects in the "General" category to close your project.
  4. Select your project from the table, and then in the top ribbon-style menu under Projects, click on Backup in the "Advanced" category.
  5. Make note of the backup location. By default it is likely to be C:\SymphonyPlus\backup.
  6. Start the backup and wait for it to finish. You should now have a folder along the lines of C:\SymphonyPlus\backup\Project_Name\Project_Name_2019.5.22_12.33 containing a PostgreSQL database backup.
  7. Ensure that folder is available to BuildPlus (for instance via copying it to a network share). You can now follow the Specifying the project name and system file specifications instructions to add your Symphony Plus database to your project (presuming you have DBDOC 11.1 or later).

Setting up a direct extraction

As of version 11.3, DBDOC ships with an experimental script to extract just the data needed by DBDOC, which should be automatable. It can be found in the Programs\Scripts\postgresql_extractor folder wherever the full kit has been installed to.

The script should be copied to the folder where the extraction will be done, expected by the script to be nested as such: [name of the database]\CH\DBDOC. By default the script will use that top-level folder name as the name of the database to extract, and will assume the username "postgres". If a password is required, a pgpass file should be created with that password. The username and database can be overridden by specifying them in that order as commandline arguments when running the script.

For further information, the comments within the script file can be read, and you can (and should! As a new feature, we're very curious how things go in practice) contact GMCL.