Running buildalls with command line switch /buildall

This switch builds all the projects in some or all of your BuildRoots. A buildall log is written in the build root's LOG folder.

The basic syntax of the /buildall command is:



When using a shortcut, it may be necessary to open Shortcut properties, and under the Advanced tab, check "Run as Administrator".


To build all projects in all BuildRoots:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\GMCL\DBDOC\Programs\BuildPlus.exe" /buildall

To build all projects in the BuildRoots C:\DBDOC_BUILDS and C:\TEST_BUILDS:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\GMCL\DBDOC\Programs\BuildPlus.exe" /buildall "C:\DBDOC_BUILDS","C:\TEST_BUILDS"

By default, when using the switch /buildall:

You can use additional switches to change these options, to run Management of Change (MOC) processing, or to use programs from the Overrides directory. It is also possible to start the build partway through the BuildRoot list, or exclude certain projects. See Using other command line switches.

Pausing a buildall

A buildall can be paused using the BuildPlus toolbar button Buildplus pause buildall.png after the current project is finished, so you can update hyperlink and other executable files (but BuildPlus must be closed to update BuildPlus). You can choose to Pause on the next project or Stop the buildall and exit:

Buildall Pause Requested1.png

If you choose to Pause on the next project, there will again be options to continue or stop the buildall:

Buildall Pause Requested2.png

See also