The error types in this file have not yet been converted to work with the error browser.

This report lists

--Access Wildcard Report 
ST:Names containing wildcard '_' (match any)   : 464
ST:Names containing wildcard '#' (match number): 98
ST:Names containing wildcard '%' (match all)   : 37
ST:Names containing wildcard '[' (char class)  : 9
ST:Names containing wildcard ']' (char class)  : 9
ST:Names containing wildcard '$' (special)     : 101
Document TD_OIS3B_1.DBF defines 164 names containing access wildcards
Document TD_U3OIS43_1.DBF defines 164 names containing access wildcards
Document 15202Y4 defines 16 names containing access wildcards
Document 1540806 defines 16 names containing access wildcards

Composer operations including cloning logic and modifying tags and references can be negatively impacted by these tags and labels.

Suggested substitutions are to change:
_ to -
# to +
* to x
% to :
[ to <
] to >.
There is no substitution suggested for $.