Line Types on CAD/CLDs

Line types (solid and dashed) as well as line color are used to convey information in CAD/CLDs. The information can be structural (whether signals are digital or analog, whether lines are truly "connected"). It can be quality and live data related (whether a signal has quality, and if live, whether the quality is good or bad).

Line Type Explanation Example
solid A solid line indicates an analog data signal. It can be various colors. Black.png
dashed A dashed line indicates an digital data signal. It can be various colors. Dashed.png
black A black line indicates a data signal without quality, either analog (solid black) or digital (dashed black). Black.pngDashed.png
blue A blue line indicates an data signal with quality, either analog (solid blue) or digital (dashed blue). If live data is turned on, blue also indicates that the quality is good (purple indicates bad). See Determining signal quality from line color. Blue.pngBlue dashed.png
purple A purple line indicates an data signal with live bad quality, either analog (solid purple) or digital (dashed purple). Lines can only be purple if live data is turned on. See Determining signal quality from line color. Purple.pngPurple dashed.png
red or brown A red line indicates an error situation where the connection is wired in the drawing only (but not in the actual configuration), so something that looks like a connection isn't actually a connection. Small gaps may appear with brown connection lines. See the Build_error_171 documentation for more information. Red.png

See also