Rung block spec is unwired but used [ERROR 125]

Rung block Module 1,01,02 Block 1001 S3 is unwired but used by S8 value 031

Rung blocks can have parameters that appear incorrect. Unwired inputs may have non-zero parameter values, as if they were to be used. The logic implied by the specifications may appear to be in error.

Messages like these can often be ignored. They usually mean that the person doing the work left inputs drawn in, but unused, but sometimes it means there are controlling specs operating on empty inputs.

For example,

--Post Processing drawing 14004Q4
Rung block Module 10,40,04 Block 8510 S18 is unwired but used by S8 value 022

No tool error reports 45.png

When a block has both this error 125 and "Error 124: Rung block spec is wired but unused", it usually means the source was connected to the wrong input, or the specification values need to be changed:

--Post Processing drawing 10902D2
Rung block Module 20,09,02 Block 5057 S7 is unwired but used by S2 value 010
Rung block Module 20,09,02 Block 5057 S8 is wired (block 1055) but unused by S3 value 000


This message is likely to show an error in the system configuration. It should be reviewed. The issue raised may be in unused logic or graphics, or have other realities that make it a non-issue.

Please contact us for help resolving your error messages.